The Africa Aerospace and Defense air show took place on the 20th of September 2014. It was a great day out with the family and if you haven't been before I would definitely recommend it. There were planes, helicopters and people with parashoots flying around the entire day. The event took place at the Waterkloof Air Force Base in South Africa. Lots of awesome things to do.
One of the pilots had just been engaged so he and one of his friends made a heart in the sky for his fiance.
Some of the attractions
Dennis the Fire Engine!
Rhino Transformer
With all the Rhino poaching that is going on in South Africa, Paramount Group had this transformer rhino on display.War Simulation
One of the best parts of this air show was the war game that the South African Army and South African Air Force demonstrated. They staged a full on battle on the side of the run way. They had helicopters providing support. We got to see a battle tank being deployed off of a truck, Troops on either side of the run way and of course explosions. Yes, they had real explosions. There were mortar shooting shells over the run way, away from the crowd obviously.
All Images where taking using a Nikon D5100