Sunday, 9 November 2014

Flowers with Water Droplets in a South African Rain Storm

When it starts to rain most people stay indoors and get comfortable on the couch with a movie or good book but not me. Today I decided to pick up my camera and go out into the rain to take these pictures. Just in case you were wondering no I didn't use a plastic bag or a camera housing. I carefully positioned my body while using my shirt to keep my camera dry....well mostly dry. I captured these images just as the rain drops were rolling off the petals. I find them to be quite captivating. It's amazing how much beauty you can find in this world even when its overcast and in the middle of a rain storm.

Pink Rose with Water Droplets (Marc Le Masson)

Red Rose Bud with Water Droplets

Red Rose with Water Droplets

Red Rose with Water Droplets

Water Droplets on Leaf

Water Droplets Purple Flowers

Water Droplets Red Rose

Water Droplets Purple Flowers
All Images taken on a Nikon D5100

Monday, 6 October 2014

New Kittens Sleeping

Kittens really are adorable. They look so peaceful and gentle when they are sleeping but when they wake up they are little devils. We had ours climbing up the curtains earlier today, all the way to the top of the curtains. (YouTube link)
Kitten Sleeping

Sleeping Kitten
Sleeping Kitten
Sleeping Grey Kitten with paws crossed (Marc Le Masson)

Kittens can make wonderful companions when they want to sleep on your lap. The grey cat is a boy and the ginger is a girl. They are brother and sister and play together all the time.

 All Photographs taken using Nikon D5100.

Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Africa Aerospace and Defence

The Africa Aerospace and Defense air show took place on the 20th of September 2014. It was a great day out with the family and if you haven't been before I would definitely recommend it. There were planes, helicopters and people with parashoots flying around the entire day. The event took place at the Waterkloof Air Force Base in South Africa. Lots of awesome things to do.

Heart in the Sky

Acrobatic plan with Smoke

One of the pilots had just been engaged so he and one of his friends made a heart in the sky for his fiance.

Some of the attractions

Attack helicopter


Dennis the Fire Engine!

Dennis the Fire Engine

Battle Tank

Mini Tank

22A Main Battle Tank

Rhino Transformer

With all the Rhino poaching that is going on in South Africa, Paramount Group had this transformer rhino on display.
Rhino Transformer

War Simulation

One of the best parts of this air show was the war game that the South African Army and South African Air Force demonstrated. They staged a full on battle on the side of the run way. They had helicopters providing support. We got to see a battle tank being deployed off of a truck, Troops on either side of the run way and of course explosions. Yes, they had real explosions. There were mortar shooting shells over the run way, away from the crowd obviously.

Griffin Fighter

Attack Helicopter

Attack Helicopter

Fire Explotion with South African Troops

Attack helicopter

Explosion near the crowd

Tank vs Helicopter

Infantry Tank

Attack helicopter

Men being moved by helicopter on a rope

Helicopter flying in formation

All Images where taking using a Nikon D5100

Friday, 9 May 2014

Durban Trip

Slow Exposure

All these images where taken using slow exposure, even the ones taken during the day. In order to get the day pictures to not look completely white I used a filter that only lets in 1/400 of the light.  I enjoy taking pictures using slow exposure as it give the waves a very soft look.

Ships on Horizon

Hotels in Umlhanga

The Light House

All Images where taking using a Nikon D5100

Monday, 24 March 2014

Cape Town Sunset

Cape Town has some of the most beautiful sunsets in the world. When I originally took these photos they had a silhouette look to them but it seems that Google decide to edit my photos and now they look slightly different. However it is still a gorgeous view with the sun setting behind the mountains. Living in Johannesburg has its advantages but it doesn't have mountains. You can't beat mountains.

Warming up the Pizza Oven

One of the best parts of being on holiday is that you have the time to do things you can't normally do when you are working. Making home made Pizzas are one of my favourite things to do on holiday especially when you have a Pizza oven. Before you can even start cooking your Pizzas you have to get the oven nice and hot. So hot that the top actually looks white in colour. Once that is ready and the fire has died down a bit you are ready to start cooking Pizzas. We made spear rib pizzas (That was just the meat we used. Everyone made their own variations). It was made from boiling Springbok ribs in a pressure cooker and then taking off all the meat. All in all it turned out wonderfully. Here are some of the pictures I took during the evening. All of them are of the oven. I unfortunately didn't have a tripod so I had to come up with some kind of alternative for the darker photos.

Red coals burning in a Pizza oven

All the pictures where taken on my Nikon D5100